Friday, August 15, 2008

Allowed OB52 based on company code

If you have several company codes and want your users only to be able to open and close periods
(transaction OB52) belonging to their posting period variant (=company code).

First you configure the Posting Variant :-

1) FI- FI Global Settings - Document - Posting Periods - Define Variants for Posting Periods

2) FI- FI Global Settings - Document - Posting Periods - Assign Variants to Company Code

Second Step:-

Goto SE11 copy the view V_T001B to ZV_T001B_000X (000X indicate the Posting Variant)

In Change mode, tabstrips Selection Conditions Insert line 2 with

Table Field Name Operator Comparative Value AND/OR

Save your entries

Third Step :-

Goto SE54, Options Generated Objects -> Create

Authorizations Group FC31
Function Group Z00F0
Maintenance Type One Type
Overview Screen 65
Single Screen 0

Final Step :-

Goto SE93, Create a new transaction code ZOB52_000X

Start object - Transaction with parameters (parameter transaction)

Transaction SM30, Tick Skip initial screen

Name of screen field Value

Save your entries.

Now, test your new transaction code ZOB52_000X which will only display the
Posting Variant that you have define in your table view.

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