Sunday, January 18, 2009

No output on PO changes

----Original Message-----
Subject: No output on PO changes
From: Norman Chan


Anyone can advise how to make no output after changing PO. On SAP standard, whenever we change the PO, the change output will be created. However, we don't need that changes output, and we cannot find out how to customize it in IMG. Any suggestion? Thanks.


-----Reply Message-----
Subject: Re: No output on PO changes - Reply
From: Norman Chan

Yes, but the consequent problem is the system will give you the warning message that there is message come out ' No message record could be found for output of message.' The condition table is 'order type/purchasing org.'.



-----Reply Message-----
Subject: No output on PO changes - Reply
From: Ron Greenfield

Transaction OMQN, "Fine-Tuned Message Control, Purchasing". Delete the entry for operation "2" (Change) for your purchase order condition type.


-----End of Reply Message-----

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