Thursday, September 11, 2008

Functional Checklist for Customizing FT Master Data in SAP MM


Listed below are the areas of Customizing you need to check to ensure you have fully maintained

the foreign trade master data, check objects, and proposal objects. Because the system’s

defaults depend on settings in Customizing, the more fully you maintain this data, the more

complete the data in the purchasing and sales documents will be, and the more efficient the

system will be to use.

Process Flow

1. Number range

Sales and Distribution Foreign trade Define number ranges

2. Commodity code

Sales and Distribution Foreign trade Basic data for foreign trade Define

commodity codes/import code numbers by country (Table T604)

3. Procedure


Sales and Distribution Foreign trade Basic data for foreign trade Define

procedures and default value Define procedure (Table T616)

Sales and Distribution (SD) default value

Sales and Distribution Foreign trade Basic data for foreign trade Define

procedures and default value Define procedure default (Table T616Z)

Materials Management (MM) default value

Maintained in the purchasing info record on the Purch. org. data 1 (Purchasing

organization data 1) screen (see Foreign Trade Data in Master Records ).

4. Business transaction type


Sales and Distribution Foreign trade Basic data for foreign trade Define

business transaction types and default value Define business types (Table T605)

SD default value

Sales and Distribution Foreign trade Basic data for foreign trade Define

business transaction types and default value Define default business type (SD)

(Table T605Z)

MM default value

Sales and Distribution Foreign trade Basic data for foreign trade Define

business transaction types and default value Define default business transaction

type (MM) (Table T604)

5. Mode of transport


Sales and Distribution Foreign trade Transportation data Define modes of

transport (Table T618)

MM default value

Maintained in the vendor master on the Purchasing data screen (see Foreign Trade

Data in Master Records )

6. Customs offices


Sales and Distribution Foreign trade Transportation data Define customs

offices (Table T615)

MM default value

Maintained in the vendor master on the Purchasing data screen (see Foreign Trade

Data in Master Records )

7. Control of import data screens

Sales and Distribution Foreign trade Control foreign trade data in MM and SD

documents Import screens in purchasing document (View V_T001U)

8. Countries

General settings Set countries Define countries

9. Currencies

General settings Currencies Enter exchange rates

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