Thursday, October 9, 2008

SAP Functional Project profile

----Original Message-----
Subject: Project profile

We have decided not to allow creation of projects with certain project can we prevent using the project
If we delete the project profiles will it affect the existing projects or completed projects made of those profiles.

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Project profile

Hi there,

Have you ever used validations rules. That may work well in such a situation. You could use a rule like this : "If profile ID is
ABC then error message 333". If you heve not used these rules before tell us about that and we may help you.

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Project profile

You can delete the profiles but you may encounter problems creating new WBS elements in the old projects. The profile is
only used to provide defualts to these elements, so you will have to enter the values manually (e.g. Project Type).

The other probelm area that comes to mind are any reports that use the profile as part of dynamic selections.

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