Tuesday, October 21, 2008

SAP Planned Delivery Time as Workdays

Is there a way to change the planned delivery time to workdays instead of calendar days? If not, does anyone have a way (other than adding two days to all planned delivery times) to start the planning process two days earlier when a weekend is involved in planning.

Yes, there is the possibility for you to define the Plnd Delivery Time exclusive of weekend (Saturday and Sunday). What you have to do is:

1) Maintain the Calendar via the following path: SPRO ----> General Settings -----> Maintain Calendar. This step will help define the appropriate calendar that you would prefer to set.

2) Define the Plant parameters via the following path: SPRO ----> Enterprise Structure -----> Definition --------> Logistics - General ------> Define, copy, delete, check plant. Select the Plant that you would like to define the Plnd Delivery Time and then, in the Factory Calendar, select the calendar that you have defined in step 1.

If you have already have our plants assigned to a factory calendar(Z1). Is it possible to get the planned delivery time to plan according to this calendar? If so, how?

Once you have assigned the appropriate calendar to your plant location, then you can start maintaining your material master data records with referecne to this Plant and the Plnd Delivery

Time of these master data will be calculated based on the Calendar that you have set for this particular plant.

My understanding was that Plannned Delivery time is always 'real' days, where as GR time considers the factory calendar. Perhaps that is just the way we have configured it?

The way we use it is that goods do travel over the weekend, but GRs are only done according to the factory calendar - so it works well for us.

Delivery time is only calculated in calendar days, not working days.

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